Episode 4: WoW Legion, Top 5 Geeky Binge Watch Worthy TV Shows, Fall TV Season Unoriginal Ideas, Historical Facts for June 25th and Our Favorite Video Games from the Past

In this episode Jason talks about more WoW Legion beta changes.  April talks her top 5 Geeky binge watch worthy TV shows, Supernatural, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Charmed, Big Bang Theory.  Chris talked about the Fall TV season and the sad lack of original ideas.  April talked about some historical facts for June 25th. And we all reminisce about our favorite video games from our past.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 4 Notes


Episode 3: WoW Legion, E3 Highlights, VR Announcements, Renaissance Faires & Conventions

In this episode we talk about World of Warcraft Legion beta changes, what we saw with the E3 coverage including, EA’s Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2, Bethesda’s Fallout 4 and Skyrim remastered, Microsoft’s Gears of War 4, Ubisoft’s South Park the Fractured but Whole, Watch Dogs 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands and Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

We also talk about recent Virtual Reality announcements of HTC’s Vive, Sony’s PSVR, Oculus Rift with a brief mention of Hololens.

April also listed off her top 5 things she loves about Renaissance Faires, Chris talks about conventions such as Comic Con, Gen Con and the Penny Arcade Exp (PAX) and April talks about local Renaissance Faires going around in our area.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 3 Notes

Things to do this summer to totally geek out


Episode 2: WoW Legion, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Now You See Me 2, Big Growl 5, Motor City Comic Con

BAM!  Episode 2 has arrived.  I talk about WoW’s legion changes and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. April and I critic Alice Through the Looking Glass, Chris talks about his opinions on the movie Now You See Me 2.  We also discuss our experiences at the 103.9 the Bear’s Big Growl 5 and the Motor City Comic Con where we got to meet the stars Lena Headey, James Marsters, Keith Allan and we also got a glimpse of Adam West band Burt Ward.  Please excuse my long rant on Mirror Edge Catalyst and we hope you enjoy!

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 2 Notes


Episode 1: WoW, Overwatch, Top 5 Magical Fantasy Movies, Early Summer Geeky Movie Reviews

Thanks and hope you enjoy our first podcast.  I’ve attached my show notes in regards to the items World of Warcraft, Overwatch & 3D printing.  Below are links to important bits we talked about in the podcast.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 1 Notes

3D Printer – Ant Trap

3D Printer – Toothpaste Pusher
