Episode 24: We’re So Full of (It) Holiday Cheer

In this episode Aprils gives us a weeks worth of birthdays.  Jason Talks 7.1.5 & hotfixes.  Chris talks about shows starting up mid-season like Emerald City & Series of Unfortunate Events.  Jason Talks Tech and why we’re screwed. April gives her top 5 favorite movies and TV specials and the group talks about their favorite Christmas themes in Movie and TV shows.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 24 Notes


Episode 23: Save it For the Podcast

In this episode Chris talks about tech that might be too big for it’s britches.  April gives this weeks famous birthdays.  Jason talks WoW blue posts and fantastical battle pets and where to find them. April gives her top 5 video games she could play over and over again. Jason talks techy and the group discusses geeky things they’re looking forward to for 2017.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 23 Notes


Episode 22: Don’t You Alexa Me!

In this weeks podcast we celebrate Thanksgiving, talk about World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5, give this upcoming weeks famous birthdays, April gives her top 5 movies & TV shows to watch for Thanksgiving, Jason talks techy on drones, EM drives and eagles being taken by drones and the group tells you what geeky things they are thankful for this year.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 22 Notes


Episode 21: Boonie Stop Licking That

In this weeks episode Chris reviews the new Doctor Strange.  Jason talks about post-BlizzCon Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas.  April gives her top 5 dishes to eat at Thanksgiving.  She also talks about movies and TV shows coming to DVD by Christmas.  Jason talks tech in his little corner.  Lastly, it’s that time of the year so the group talks about geeky Christmas ideas.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 21 Notes


Episode 20: Chris Are You Eating Out of Your Own Box This Week

In this week’s episode, 20, Chris and the gang talk about the current videos games that have come out and will probably be on Christmas wish lists.  April talks about this weeks famous birthdays. Jason & Chris talk about some of the important bits that have been released during Blizzcon!  April throws out her top 5 binge watch worthy TV shows and the gang talks about what they feel are the best TV shows on Netflix.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 20 Notes


Episode 19: Pickleball Isn’t Food And Westworld Has Robotz

In this episode we have a special guest Eldijana, the Pickleball pro.  The group talks about the HBO series Westworld.  We give out the birthdays for this week including Peter Jackson, Brian Adams and Rob Schneider.  We talk about what we’ve experienced with patch 7.1 in World of Warcraft. April lists off her top 5 scary movie villains. Jason talks about this weeks interesting science stuff. The group talks about the game of Pickleball.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 19 Notes


Episode 18: Today’s Greatest Podcast Ever

In today’s podcast we talk about the Nintendo’s Switch announcement.  The group talks computer vs. console and what and why we like about them.  Jason talks about his Overwatch.  Karazhan is releasing this week with patch 7.1.   Top 5 Halloween songs and other songs of note.  Interesting things of sciencey note from this past week and this weeks cool list of birthdays.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 18 Notes

Birthdays – 10/23 to 10/29

April Notes

April’s Top 5 Halloween Songs


Episode 17: Don’t Cross the Streams Barden

Welcome to episode 17, in this episode April gives us this up coming weeks birthdays.  Chris talks about his thoughts on games with quite a bit of group discussion.  Jason talks WoW with 7.1 patch with Karazhan on the horizon. April reviews Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children .  Jason discusses why credit cards on the Internet on bad and why Cybathlon.  April gives us her top 5 Halloween costume picks and the group talks about their favorite podcasts except Chris.  He’s getting back into listen to them there podcasts.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 17 Notes

April’s Podcasts

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Not Imaginary Friends)

Episode 17 Birthdays – 10/16 to 10/22

April’s Top 5 Costume Ideas


Episode 16: Blizzcon, Character Leveling Stats, Famous Birthdays, The Dresden Files, Cordelia Botkin, Top 5 Vampire Movies & Geek Bucket Lists

In this episode Jason talks about character leveling stats released by MMO-Champion.com, Blizzcon online merchandise sale starts Oct. 12th and Exorsus releases world first mythic Xavius kill.  April talks famous birthdays from 10/9 – 1-/15. Chris talks about The Dresden Files, the book, TV show and role playing game. April talks about her ancestor Cordelia Botkin the murderer.  April gives her top 5 vampire movies with descriptions: Van Helsing, Fright Night, Interview With a Vampire, Bram Stoker’s Dracula & Queen of the Damned.  The group discusses their geek bucket lists like going to space, archaeology of Europe, cosplay @ Blizzcon and more.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 16 Notes

October 10/9 – 10/15 Birthdays

Aptil’s Top 5 Vampire Movies

April’s Cordelia Botkin Talk

E.E. Cummings Poem – May I Feel Said He


Episode 15: WoW Legion, April’s Famous Birthdays, D.C. Flash, Top 5 Favorite Scary & Creepy TV Shows & History of the Jack-o-lantern

In this episode Jason talks about WoW Legion updates and hidden class appearances, April’s talks about famous birthdays, Chris talks about D.C.’s the Flash, April talk’s about top 5 favorite scary & creepy TV shows, Jason talks about science & tech things from this week and April reveals the history of the jack-o-lantern.

Inglorious Geeks – Episode 15 Notes

Top 5 Creepy, Scary & Supernatural TV Shows

The History of the Jack-o-lantern

R.L. Stine Books Original Series

Anne Rice Books

April’s Birthday from 10/2-10/8
